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Add Custom Tokens to Komodo Wallet

Komodo Wallet supports hundreds of coins right out of the box, but if you want to add a new token which is not yet in the wallet, you can add it yourself within the app!

First, open the coin activation modal.

Add Custom Tokens to Komodo Wallet Add Custom Tokens to Komodo Wallet

Next, click on the "Add a custom asset"

Add Custom Tokens to Komodo Wallet

Now we need to select which protocol the token we want to add is on from the drop down. For this example, I'll select ETH, and then click "Next" to continue.

Add Custom Tokens to Komodo Wallet

Now we need to input the custom token's contract address, which we can find on (for BEP-20 tokens) or (for ERC-20 tokens). There is a link to the selected protocol's explorer in the app below the input field, and the animation below it demonstrates how to find the correct token contract address.

Add Custom Tokens to Komodo Wallet

Next, we need to select an image to use for the token. You can probably find an official token icon on the project's website or services like Coingecko or CoinPaprika, or you can add your own custom image.

Add Custom Tokens to Komodo Wallet

The last step is to get a CoinGecko ID for the token (if available) so Komodo Wallet can display price data for this token. If the token has no ID or you can't find it, just input "test-coin".

Add Custom Tokens to Komodo Wallet

Click the "Preview" button to see and confirm the custom coin configuration data.

Add Custom Tokens to Komodo Wallet

If everything looks ok, click "Submit & Restart". This will apply the update to your local coins data, and restart Komodo Wallet. Log in, and you will be able to see your custom added token!

Add Custom Tokens to Komodo Wallet Add Custom Tokens to Komodo Wallet

Please note that other Komodo Wallet users will not have this custom token in their wallet (unless they also added it themselves).

To apply for a formal listing on Komodo Wallet Desktop, please review the requirements in our "coins" github repository, and get in our with our team on the KomodoPlatform Discord