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Wallet Operations Structures

The RawTxInfo object includes the following items:

tx_hexstringUTXO only. The raw unsigned hex of a proposed transaction.
prev_txnslistUTXO only. A list of standard InputTxns objects.
tostringETH/EVM only. A destination address to send the funds to.
valuestringETH/EVM only. The amount of funds to be sent as a string with a 0x prefix, in wei units.
gas_limitstringETH/EVM only. The maximum gas to be used for sending the transaction, in gwei units.

The InputTxns object includes the following items:

tx_hashstringThe transaction id of an unspent transaction from the same wallet output.
indexintegerThe [output index(https://bitcoin.stackexchange.com/questions/100765/what-does-the-index-of-an-utxo-stand-for)] of this unspent transaction output.
script_pub_keystringThe scriptpubkey of this unspent transaction output.
amountfloatThe value of this unspent transaction output.