Komodo Summer Conference (June Campaign Plan) Discussion Summary

Delton Rhodes
Delton Rhodes

Komodo Summer Conference (June Campaign Plan) Discussion Summary
Table of Contents
Table of Contents

During our open community discussion we talked about the topics we want to cover during the June campaign, which will include the Komodo Summer Conference.

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Text Summary

We discussed several possible sessions we could run during the Komodo Summer Conference. A few ideas include the following

  • Breakout sessions for Networking Events
  • Hosting A Blockchain Career Fair
  • Cross-community collaboration (e.g. panels with projects building certain categories of dApps or focused on specific blockchain technologies)
  • Hackathon or Junior Developer workshop
  • Possible speakers (could highlight community members who participate in H1 workshops)
  • Whether the event should be livestreamed or pre-recorded

Livestream Replay

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