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Calculate Komodo rewards using an npm module

When using this module after the KMD blockheight of 3484958, please make sure the PR at https://github.com/atomiclabs/get-komodo-rewards/pull/1 is merged and the updated code is published on npm.

This module has been created by Luke Childs.

npm install get-komodo-rewards

Pass in a utxo object and an integer of the accrued rewards in satoshis will be returned.

const getKomodoRewards = require("get-komodo-rewards");

const utxo = {
  tiptime: 1552292091,
  locktime: 1552248193,
  height: 1263192,
  satoshis: 3206795322480,

const rewards = getKomodoRewards(utxo);
// 205000320

Returns the accrued rewards in satoshis.

MIT © Atomic Labs

MIT © Luke Childs