Things move fast at Komodo Platform. That’s why the Komodo team has decided to release a weekly briefing to cover all of the progress the Dev Team is making. This series of posts is called the Tech Tuesday Updates.
In case you’ve missed a previous edition and want to catch up, you can find all the previous Tech Tuesday updates here.

Sapling, New Hashing Algorithm & Coin Emission Schedules - Komodo Update Phase I
Please visit the website throughout the week for details on these important and ground breaking updates.
Komodo is going through some massive updates in the coming months which benefit the whole ecosystem. The majority of the updates come from downstream - the Verus Project providing the implementation of what originated from upstream development, zCash Sapling.
The date has been set for December 15.
Future updates extend the ecosystem capability of independent blockchains to include the ability of independent blockchains to create side chains too. Komodo main chain included!
Crypto Will - Heir Custom Consensus Module (App Integration Enquiries Welcome)
Development of an heir Custom Consensus module has begun preliminary testing. With the sapling update looming, newer custom consensus module testing has been reduced to give priority to the Phase I update of the ecosystem.
Komodo & WordPress Plugin For WooCommerce Passes Review
The plugin is ready for any shop owner to use.
Key Features:
- Accept payment directly into your personal Komodo wallet.
- Komodo wallet payment option completely removes dependency on any third party service and middlemen.
- Accept payment in Komodo for physical and digital downloadable products.
- Add Komodo payments option to your existing online store with alternative main currency.
- Flexible exchange rate calculations fully managed via administrative settings.
- Zero fees and no commissions for Komodo payments processing from any third party.
- Set main currency of your store to USD or Komodo(KMD).
- Automatic conversion to Komodo via realtime exchange rate feed and calculations.
- Ability to set exchange rate calculation multiplier to compensate for any possible losses due to bank conversions and funds transfer fees
The plugin has been available for a long time that accepts other mainstream cryptos like BTC, LTC, KMD etc. for payment. Komodo is happy to have two plugins available for WordPress integration.
KMD Labs - Notaries Compete For Top 20
The blockchain formerly known as “STAKED” has had it’s own “rebrand”. Now known as KMDLABS, the discord community this past weekend competed for 20 spots as the project’s notaries.
The KMDLABS project moves at a rapid pace. Some other developments include blockchain dog, p2p censorship resistant streaming and general PoS chain tools. We look forward to seeing what comes out of the first 20 notaries dedication to the cause of fast development.
This week, a coin migration (fungibility between chains) script was made available. More information will follow in the coming weeks.
51% Immunity - Proof of Power
Verus Project has made another astonishing claim - 51% immunity with a paper that thoroughly explains their hybrid PoS/PoW algorithm which is being merged into Komodo during an update in the future.
We thank the incredible work of the Verus Project for collaborating on continued improvements in cryptocurrency and blockchain technology.
iOS Agama Wallet Public Beta Testing
Agama mobile for iOS is out for public testing. You first need to download Apple's Testflight App and then submit your email address (that you use in the App Store) to the support manager in discord so you can be added to the list of beta testers!
Interested in GUI dApps development? Discord's #cc_gui channel will be where most of the work will take place in the coming weeks.
Thank you Komodo (& ecosystem) developers, what an exciting week!