Komodo’s New Strategic Focus On Building A Stronger Community

Komodo Team
Komodo Team

Komodo’s New Strategic Focus On Building A Stronger Community
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Komodo is an open source project that relies on community contributions and user-driven activity for its success. Thus it is of the utmost importance that the Komodo community maintain a civil and friendly atmosphere.

Komodo is now pleased to announce several adjustments that will improve our community experience and drive up engagement.

  1. Community Guidelines
  2. Community Moderator Program
  3. Community Bounty Program

In Komodo’s community on Discord, you will find a new channel (#discord-feedback) where you are encouraged to leave your thoughts and feedback. This will help to further improve the community experience. Please drop by and let us know what you think.

Komodo Community Guidelines

A community-focused, open source project should have clear community guidelines and code of conduct.

Komodo typically takes a very hands-off approach to moderation, and we will continue to foster that open culture and embrace constructive feedback. At the same time, we will now begin actively moderating channels to ensure that the discussion stays on topic. We will also pay more attention to the channel structure and listen to feedback from the community.

If you have improvement suggestions or feedback, please let us know! We welcome all contributions, however big or small.

Read Komodo’s code of conduct

Community Moderator Program

There are many passionate Komodo followers who actively read and chat on Discord. We would love to get the community more involved so we’re looking to get more organized and provide better support for those who want to help. That’s where the new Community Moderator Program comes in.

As a community moderator, you would:

  1. Guide discussion to the appropriate channels
  2. Welcome new members to the community and help answer questions
  3. Maintain a healthy environment for constructive discussion
  4. Become part of the Komodo project and provide new ideas and feedback
  5. Gain experience in managing an open source community

The new moderator positions are available to all friendly and diplomatic members of the Komodo community who would like to get more involved with the project. Don’t hesitate to reach out and take a more active role.

Please note that the Komodo moderator position is volunteer work but moderators are eligible to receive performance-based bounties for their efforts.

Community Bounty Program

Komodo would like show gratitude to everyone who contributes to the Komodo project. To that end, Komodo is now launching an ongoing community bounty program.

A KMD bounty is the best way to tell someone that their hard work is appreciated. All contributions are highly valued and extremely important for Komodo’s long term success. With the new bounty program, we encourage people to contribute and engage with us.

We commit to providing up to 777 KMD per month in bounties, indefinitely. The final monthly bounty size depends on the number and quality of contributions that happened during that month. However, we will pay out at least 300 KMD each month, and what is left would accumulate (“roll over”) for a larger bounty campaign further down the line.

The bounty budget is reserved for marketing and community-building activities. Developer contributions have a separate bounty program. In short, the best ways to contribute are as follows:

  • Being helpful in Komodo’s Discord and assisting with moderation
  • Writing blog posts about Komodo
  • Actively promoting Komodo on social media
  • Publishing Komodo-themed videos, podcasts, or graphics

Of course, there are other ways to contribute to the marketing and community-building efforts of the Komodo project. These are just a few examples.

The bounty program works as follows:

  1. Komodo team tracks and lists all contributions for a 30 day period.
  2. The bounties are distributed in estimated proportion of the contribution, and the community is informed each month about the payouts.
  3. The process is repeated every month.

This means that we won’t arrange bounties in advance, as we are not paying for specific tasks. Instead, we are rewarding valuable contributions to the community. So, please don’t inquire about bounties or ask our permission to do something – just do it! If the contribution is valuable, you will likely receive a bounty for it.

Inform Komodo about a contribution

More to come

Stay tuned for more information as we continue to produce more resources on community building. We want to build a solid foundation upon which blockchain startups can thrive. Together, we can build a powerful ecosystem that will benefit everyone and, in the end, increase the adoption of KMD.

Join the discussion on our Discord and bring forth your own ideas and suggestions.

Stay tuned for a follow-up blog post where we unreveal more about our plans in regards to community building.

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