Komodo Platform and Ideas By Nature Team Up To Drive Komodo 2.0 Brand Evolution

Komodo Team
Komodo Team

Komodo Platform and Ideas By Nature Team Up To Drive Komodo 2.0 Brand Evolution

Over the last two months, Komodo Platform made several major announcements about new tech developments, such as blockchain interoperability and scalability features, that will be added to the Komodo code base in the coming months.

These new features represent The Evolution of Komodo. It’s a huge step forward for Komodo Platform’s capabilities. To accompany these Komodo 2.0 technology improvements, Komodo is working hard on a full marketing rebrand and a clear business strategy.

To that end, Komodo Platform is excited to announce that we recently started working with Ideas By Nature. Ideas By Nature is a blockchain-focused design, product strategy, and application development agency based in Denver, Colorado.

After over a month of meetings and briefings, we’ve finished Phase 1, the initial discovery phase. With Phase 1 complete, we can now give the Komodo community a better understanding of how Ideas By Nature will be assisting us.

Over the next several months, Ideas By Nature will be helping the Komodo team form a product strategy that comes with focused personas, a new brand/identity, a new website, and a frontend app with excellent UX.

These goals will be accomplished over the course of 5 stages. Here’s a brief description of each phase.

Phase 2: Brand & Identity Focus Discovery

This phase, which has already started, will help Komodo develop a clear brand and identity.

Over the years, many people have felt a little confused about who Komodo is and what technology Komodo provides.

Even today, some people still characterize Komodo as a privacy coin project. While KMD does, indeed, have optional privacy features, Komodo Platform offers much, much more than just a privacy coin.

The brand and identity discovery phase will explore what identity strategy will be most beneficial for Komodo and its strong community of supporters.

Phase 3: Brand & Identity Strategy

Once Phase 2 is complete, Komodo and Ideas By Nature can begin designing a clear, easily communicated brand and product strategy.

This will include creating new messaging to help people to immediately understand the breadth and depth of Komodo’s technology. The brand and identity strategy will also include a renewed focus on Komodo’s product offerings and on providing users with an outstanding experience.

At this point, Ideas By Nature and Komodo will develop a product strategy and begin deciding for which particular product a new UX will eventually be developed.

Phase 4: Brand & Identity Design

In the fourth phase, Komodo will go through a visual rebranding process. This will include things like an updated logo, a new color palette, different typefaces, etc. All of the new designs will reflect the brand identity and strategy developed in phases two and three.

Phase 5: New Komodo Website Strategy & Design

After the visual rebranding is finished, Ideas By Nature will be helping with a complete overhaul of the Komodo Platform website. The new and improved website will incorporate the new messaging and visual identity created in the previous phases.

Phase 6: UX Design & Development

In the sixth and final phase, Ideas By Nature will do front-end UX/UI development for Komodo.  The app will have an exceptional user interface and provide a seamless user experience.

While it hasn’t been decided which Komodo app Ideas By Nature will develop first, some options include Agama multi-coin wallet and an automated blockchain generator.

It is possible that this phase will run parallel with phases four and five in order to showcase a new brand/identity and designed product at the same time. However, this isn’t confirmed yet.

A Word From Ideas By Nature

“Hello Komodo Community!

We couldn’t be more excited to be working alongside the Komodo leadership and team to reimagine their identity and user experiences, aligning with their 4 Pillars of Blockchain Tech. Komodo has already contributed tremendous amounts of value to both blockchain technology advancements and the rapidly emerging industries that surround them.

Their desire to engage our teams at Ideas By Nature further reinforces their mission to not only build advanced technologies, but also to create impactful and useful products. This thoughtfulness energizes us to succeed for their community and help the Komodo team to bring their technology to even more users and businesses.”

Jeffrey Vier, COO

Ideas By Nature

A Word From Komodo Platform

Steve Lee is the Chief Marketing Officer at Komodo Platform and is spearheading the joint effort to update and improve Komodo’s branding and identity presence in the blockchain space. Steve has this to say about the collaboration:

“The Komodo team is excited to partner with Ideas by Nature as they will play an instrumental role in redefining our brand and identity at a critical stage of our transformation. Partnering with Ideas by Nature was a natural choice for us, as they bring a wealth of industry experience and a creative, talented team with a history of success and execution.

“Since launching the project 2 years ago, Komodo has built a strong reputation for innovation and technology leadership. Over the past few months, the team has made strategic organizational changes to improve alignment around our new technology vision, and to shift focus and investments into marketing and business development. Rebranding will allow us to accurately reflect this new strategic and technology direction, while also enabling new opportunities for us to market Komodo for future growth and expansion.”

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