Introducing Komodo Developer Academy

Delton Rhodes
Delton Rhodes

Introducing Komodo Developer Academy

Today, April 29th, 2021, Komodo is delighted to announce the launch of Komodo Developer Academy. Our program aims to create a path for aspiring blockchain developers to hone their skills by getting hands-on experience in the blockchain sector.

Why Launch Komodo Developer Academy?

Getting started in the blockchain space and continuing to build your skills can be an arduous journey without a clear path. Komodo aims to solve this by introducing a series of how-to guides and an immersive course. Unlike many online courses that require you to go through paywalls and don’t include community support, Komodo is following a much different approach.

Our mission is to provide 100% free educational resources for Komodo Developer Academy students. Ultimately, our vision is to create a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) about building blockchain development skills. In addition to technical tutorials, we’ll also go over everything from the technical basics to finding a career in the sector. It will take some time to build up the full curriculum and create the entire content library for Komodo Developer Academy. However, we already have an outline established for our first cohort who are already getting started, with two instructors and 18 students participating.

“Komodo Developer Academy is going to be one of the premier ways to learn blockchain development and get involved in the space. We are building a program that will take you from Point A to Point B. Whether you’re an aspiring developer who wants to understand the basics or an experienced developer who wants to dive deeper into the tech, Komodo has something to offer you.” Komodo CTO Kadan Stadelmann

What Is Komodo Developer Academy?

Komodo Developer Academy consists of three components.

Open Curriculum
Anyone can access our online resources and tools for your journey to learning blockchain development.

Immersive Study Group
There is an active community of people who want to learn about development and blockchain. Join Komodo Developer Academy and get to know your peers. Together we empower each other.

Junior Developer Program
Once you are ready for the next challenge, you can apply to Komodo's Junior Developer program in which you can work directly alongside the Komodo Development team.

Our Purpose

We are building Komodo Developer Academy with a few objectives in mind.

  1. In general, the blockchain space needs more builders who are passionate about open-source innovation. We want to help prepare the next generation of developers.
  2. Komodo is actively seeking to expand its developer team, and Komodo Developer Academy is a great way to find talented people who can learn our tech stack and ultimately contribute to the codebase.
  3. Our project has always been focused on unifying the blockchain space. We view this as an opportunity to not only help people understand Komodo technology but also general knowledge about everything from Bitcoin UTXOs to smart contracts to DEX technology.

How To Get Involved - Start Anywhere

Study With Komodo

While the online immersion course for Komodo Developer Academy Cohort 1 is currently full, we’re now accepting waiting list applications for Komodo Developer Academy immersive study group waitlist. If you’re interested in joining, sign up today to receive to be the first to receive a notification when registration opens up.

Gain Real-World Experience

If you already have a bit of experience in blockchain development and want to start getting more real-world development experience, send us your resume to apply for the Komodo Junior Developer Program led by Komodo CTO Kadan Stadelmann.

Submit Your Resume

Become An Instructor

Komodo is looking for community contributors who are technically savvy and would like to create developer-focused content (in-depth tutorials, opinion pieces, or beginner tutorials) for Komodo Developer Academy. Join our weekly community contributor interest meetings, happening each Thursday at 17:00 UTC.

Join the Interest Meeting

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