Community Collaboration Opportunity - AtomicDEX Stress Test

Are you interested in seeing your favorite project participate in the AtomicDEX Stress Test, happening on December 12 - 13? If so, someone from your team or community can email us at or reach out to us on Komodo Discord.

This blog post provides a general outline for our proposed collaboration opportunity.

Which Projects Can Participate?

The only requirement is that your project must be currently supported on AtomicDEX. 20+ blockchain networks are currently supported by default, and all ERC-20 tokens are supported via the Instalist feature. If your project isn’t currently supported on AtomicDEX and you’re interested in getting listed, drop an email to our business team at

Community Spotlight Details

We will have community spotlight time slots available for the event on December 12 - 13. Each spotlight will last 1 hour. During that time, users will trade testnet coins from our Atomic Explorer Faucet for your project’s real coins. Everyone who completes an atomic swap gets a prize automatically.

There’s absolutely no cost involved for your project. Komodo will buy your project’s coins from a third-party exchange and distribute them during the Community Spotlight. If selected for a community spotlight, we will feature your project on Komodo’s social channels and create content about your project leading up to the event. Additionally, a member of your team can join us as a guest during our AtomicDEX Stress Test livestream.

We only ask that you help us with co-marketing our cross-community collaboration through earned media placements and social media posts. The stress test is shaping up to be a major event. Early registration is currently open for signups, and we already have 686 registrations as of November 30!

The Next Step

Interested in participating? The next step is to email us at    or reach out to us on Komodo Discord.

We’d love to get the conversation started with your team and explore ways in which we can support your community in the upcoming stress test.