Blockchain Consulting Services

Komodo provides blockchain consulting for businesses, universities, governments, and other organizations. We work with you directly every step of the way, from Points A to Z. Our team can answer basic questions like “Does my organization need a blockchain?” and also make detailed recommendations based on your objectives.

How is Komodo different from other blockchain consultants?

Komodo is a distributed, global team of experienced blockchain experts. Compared to large firms, we are better able to give your organization more personalized attention.

In addition to understanding how to develop the technology, our team consists of people who understand blockchain from all sides — security, education, marketing, user adoption, legal, and much more. If we can’t be of service to you, chances are we know someone who can be.


Courses & Workshops - Komodo hosts both in-person and digital courses for people looking to understand more about blockchain. We can deliver customized plans for you - whether you want to attend a blockchain 101 course or a developer training program.

Security Audits - From smart contracts to protocol architecture, we can make recommendations and provide solutions that increase the security of your blockchain network.

Proof of Concepts (PoCs) - The first step to building a full-fledged customized blockchain solution is to roll out a PoC. We can develop a solution on a smaller scale that demonstrates how Komodo’s technology can fit your requirements.

If you're interested in our blockchain consulting services, visit our business page and fill out the contact form.